Volunteer Opportunities

  • Advocates from the Spring 2018 cohort receive their certificates.

  • Volunteers

24 HOUR HELPLINE: (831) 375-4357 • (831) 424-4357



Sexual Assault Counselor Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Sexual Assault Counselor with the Monterey County Rape Crisis Center. Our Sexual Assault Counselor Training takes place three times throughout the year: Summer, Fall & Winter. The training spans over five weeks and is broken down into twelve sessions. These sessions are scheduled on Monday and Wednesday evenings with three of the sessions taking place on Saturdays (these are subject to change due to holidays observed by the Monterey County Rape Crisis Center). At this time our Sexual Assault Counselor Training is a hybrid model consisting of in-person sessions and sessions via our preferred online platform (Zoom). 

The Sexual Assault Counselor Training is a fifty-one hour state certified training facilitated by the Monterey County Rape Crisis Center. During this training, advocates will be educated on crisis intervention, advocacy, resources in the community, and collaboration with other agencies, as well as best practices when supporting survivors of sexual assault, human trafficking, child abuse, and their significant others.


Application Process

If you are interested in becoming a Sexual Assault Counselor, please complete the Sexual Assault Counselor Application form here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/sacounselor

After completing the application, you will be contacted by the Crisis Intervention Services Manager who will connect with you to discuss next steps. Applicants who submit an application  during or after the current session will be contacted as soon as possible so they can join the next training session.  


Minimum Volunteer Requirements

  • Applicants must be 18 years or older. 
  • Applicants must be able to commit to one year of volunteer service to the Monterey County Rape Crisis Center.
  • Applicants must have an interest in assisting sexual assault survivors and significant others.
  • Applicants must be willing/able to work with diverse populations (cultural, racial, socioeconomic, religious, sexual orientation, etc.)
  • Applicants must be prepared to discuss and listen to topics relating to sexual assault, child abuse, domestic violence, mental health,  stalking/harrassment and bullying.
  • Applicants must give consent for and understand that MCRCC will require Livescan fingerprinting clearance in order to obtain a Sexual Assault Counselor Certifcation.
  • Applicants must be able to attend all training sessions. 
  • Applicants must be able to attend monthly in-service meetings.
  • Applicants must commit to covering 4 shifts per month, 2 Helpline shifts and 2 SART shifts. Available shifts are typically nights, weekends, and holidays.
  • Applicants must not have a past or present perpetrators of sexual or physical abuse and/or any violent crime.
  • Applicants must have a mobile phone to receive calls from our Helpline. 
  • Applicants must have transportation available to attend Sexual Assault Forensic Exams at the hospital assigned (Natividad Medical Center).
  • Applicants must be open to supervision with the Crisis Intervention Services Manager.


MCRCC reserves the right to decline an applicant's enrollment in the Sexual Assault Counselor Training to anyone whom may not suitable for the program or is unable to fulfill the necessary requirements and responsibilities. Participation in training does not guarantee certification as a Sexual Assault Counselor nor does it guarantee a volunteer assignment.


Training Fee

In order to be an active Sexual Assault Counselor with the Monterey County Rape Crisis Center,  applicants must complete a Live Scan fingerprint clearance by the Department of Justice. This cost is normally ranging between $20.00 - $35.00 depending on location. Monterey County Rape Crisis Center can provide reimbursement based on the needs of individuals. 

This Live Scan must be completed fifteen days prior to the end of the training. 


Service Learning Requests

The Monterey County Rape Crisis Center is partnered with California State University of Monterey Bay (CSUMB) to provide Service Learning Opportunities to individuals seeking to fulfill this requirement. However, potential applicants are expected to maintain their one year commitment to Monterey County Rape Crisis Center even after completing their Service Learning hours. Monterey County Rape Crisis Center will not accept applicants who are only interested in completing their Service Learning hours without meaning to participate after their hours are completed.

If this is of interest to you, please connect with the Crisis Intervention Services Manager prior to the training beginning. 


Technology Requirements

The Monterey County Rape Crisis Center utilizes a Helpline System which requires Sexual Assault Counselors to have mobile phones that will receive calls from our helpline system. Due to this, applicants are required to have a mobile phone that can receive calls. In addition, our monthly in-service meetings may follow a hybrid model with some of the sessions taking place online via Zoom. Access to a computer is also highly recommended.

Sexual Assault Counselors are required to sign up for shifts via our Helpline website.


Sexual Assault Counselor Responsibilities

  • Answering MCRCC’s 24-hour helpline and through this system assisting survivors with emotional support, questions about MCRCC’s services, accompaniments, the reporting process as well as community resources amongst other things.
  • Attending the monthly Sexual Assault Advocate in-service meetings. 
  • These meetings typically take place on the first Tuesday of the month (subject to change based on MCRCC’s observed holidays). 
  • Attending 8 of the 12 meetings is mandatory in order to maintain the Sexual Assault Counselor Certification.
  • Providing in person emotional support to survivors during medical forensic exams 
  • Completing Sexual Assault Advocate Call Log after every Helpline call received during your shift. 
  • Completing and submitting any of the necessary paperwork after every service to the Crisis Services Manager.  
  • Complete the Crisis Intervention Services Form after attending a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam and submit to the Crisis Intervention Services Manager within twenty-four hours of attending the exam.
  • Attending community events to spread awareness regarding MCRCC’s services and recruiting new volunteer Sexual Assault Counselors.
  •  Debrief with Staff on Back Up after attending a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam or receiving a difficult Helpline Call.
  • Attending regular supervision with the Crisis Services Manager.

If you need any additional information or need accommodations when applying to become a Sexual Assault Counselor, please feel free to contact us 831-375-4357 or email ashleym@mtryrapecrisis.org.